Monday, September 28, 2009

Guinness Book of Records stolen!

he Guinness Book of Records was launched by twin brothers Norris and Ross McWhirter in 1954. They were born in August 1925 at Winchmore Hill, London, the sons of William Allan McWhirter, managing director of Associated Newspapers and Northcliffe Newspapers Group.. Both went to the same college, both were outstanding track athletes, and both served in the Royal Naval in WWII.

To date, more than 100 million copies of the 400 editions of Guinness Book of Records have been sold in some 40 languages, making it one of the world's all-time best-selling copyright book. But Guinness Book of Records also holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries. Very weird but it is the number one stolen book in the world.

315 entries in 1996 webster Dictionary were misspelled!!

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary ©1996.
Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.
Published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.

Yes it is true the Webster dictionary that was printed in 1996 had 315 entries misspelled. It took a group of people who set out to find this mistakes over three weeks to find this 315 entries. Which means that if they have done it prior to 1996 they would have probably found more on the earlier versions as well, and who know maybe even know! Because this was the first time they tried this and they were lucky enough to find 315 of them. and according to Webster dictionary misspelled means

Main Entry: mis·spell
Pronunciation: \ˌmis-ˈspel\
Function: transitive verb
Date: 1655
: to spell incorrectly

The US and McDonalds, and Obesity

The United States has the world's highest number of McDonald’s restaurants per capita.

Americans also die of obesity more often than any other nation, with more deaths than Mexico, Germany, Spain, Austria and Canada combined.

There are about 304 million people in the united states as of July 2008, and there are about 34 thousandths McDonald's in the USA. That is 1 McDonald's per 8941 people. That is more McDonald's than any country in the world, and McDonald's also claims that 25 percent of their income comes from sale of Happy Meal, and 20 percent from there number 1 menu Big Mac meal. This does not take a rocket scientist to see why more American are obese and the die due to high cholesterol and heart attacks.

Jumbo Jet uses aboout 4,000 gallons of fuel to take off !!

The aircraft burns a lot of fuel when taking off since it takes quite a lot of energy to get a 400 ton plane moving. But once it is up in the thin air and cruising at 500MPH, it is burning less fuel per-person than an economy car (and going a lot faster).Think of it this way Something huge like a boeing 747 would take much more fuel to take off with all that weight.

For example a Boeing 747 jet engine swallows a gallon or so of fuel every 2 seconds at about 90 percent throttle (take off) so take this and multiply it by the average runway roll out even the 747 is airborne in under 60 seconds so do the math per 1 engine, and at max load needs about 10,000 feet to take off; takes off in about 55 seconds.
here is the calculation
(55 take off seconds / 2 second for every gallon)=27.5 seconds
(27.5 seconds X 1 gallon)=27.5 Gallons
(27.5 gallons X 4 Engine)=110 Gallons
So it takes 110 gallons just to take from standing at the runway to lift off. but an average it would be siting there for more than 2 hour while loading and waiting for clearance to the taxi way and take off. During this time it would take about gallon of gas every 8 seconds. which would roughly be around 3500 gallons to 5000 gallons depending on weather and other conditions.